Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Here goes something? Or maybe nothing.

Well my daughter Luann got me thinking. She's actually blogging and she will tell you right up front that she's not a "writer." Actually, I'm the official "writer" of the family. After all that journalism degree from the University of Central Florida -- Florida Technological University when I attended -- should mean that at least the profs thought my skills were worth something.

So maybe I should be blogging, like Luann is (her blog is linked under "My Favorite Blogs").

But are my thoughts are worthy of your time spent reading? That's for you to decide. I actually may be "thought out" (and "wrote out") some days, because I spend my work time writing for the law firm: drafting and editing letters, briefs and job descriptions for immigration cases.

And no, don't call me to task for bad grammar, it was purposeful, my phrase "wrote out." It's my writer's licence, which includes me using British spellings for many words, including "licence," so you'll realise that I'm not spelling incorrectly, I am spelling words the British way for the most part.

Back to blogging (it's easy to get off topic if you're not aiming for a certain point with your writing).

I thought HEY, if I can ghostwrite for my cat ("Mario's Merry Christmas Newsletter" which is in it's fourth year of publication) I certainly should be able to blog. FYI, Mario is shown in the photo by "My profile."

Maybe this blog will end up interesting you enough to revisit.

So, here goes something -- or nothing. We'll see what this becomes.


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